Procrastination is delaying your commitments and duties unless the deadline is close, and in some cases, it leads to quitting the work altogether. It is different from laziness, as laziness is the unwillingness to do a task.
Procrastination can affect your career and can lead to undermining your career. Unfortunately, parents experience this often with their children as most children tend to procrastinate on school work which may lead to stressful situations.
Therefore, many parents want to learn tricks that will help them teach their children about the importance of time and help them overcome their habit of procrastination. This article will discuss all the valuable tips for managing procrastination in children.

Six best tips to manage procrastination in children

1. Design a planner for your child

The planner would be an excellent tool for keeping your child organized and on track. Planner will help you and your child remember the essential to-do list and their submission deadline. In addition, it will help your child to keep a record of what he has done and what is left behind to do.

2. Make homework time free from any distractions

Make sure there should be no distractions when your child is doing homework. Make them realize that while doing homework, they need to focus on their studies, and they can play in their free time. This will make the child a little mindful at home and excited that he can play without any disruption afterward.

3. Set a time limit for doing homework

Setting a time duration between consecutive studies will help the student stay focused. For example, parents should let their children take 5 minutes to break after every 25 minutes of work. This will help them concentrate more when they are studying.

4. Supervise the child when working online

Nowadays, working online is essential for students. If you, as a parent, are concerned that your children must not waste time on the computer on games and social media, you should supervise them on the internet and social media through programs like rescue time. It will help you tell how much your child spent time on other platforms.

5. Reward your child after completion of on-time work

Making meals your children like or taking them out for a small treat after completing work on time will eliminate procrastination from their personality. In addition, they will complete their work efficiently and free-mindedly because home tasks put pressure on the child without any doubt.

6. Praise your child

After completing work on time, you must praise them for their efforts. It will boost confidence in your children to do even better next time.

Take away home

It is natural for some kids to procrastinate their tasks due to distractions and other factors. However, tips like designing a planner, eliminating distractions, appreciating and rewarding your children when they complete their tasks on time, and supervising them when working will help you manage your children’s procrastination habit.