An infection (a virus or bacteria) or an allergy (noncontagious) makes the eyes get inflamed, leading to a condition known as conjunctivitis. The conjunctiva of the eye gets swollen and inflamed and appears red or of pink color, so-called pink eyes. This happens mostly among five years old children, and symptoms appear within 24-72 hours and remain for two days to 3 weeks. Bacterial pink eyes produce mucus that must be treated with antibiotics, while viral pink eyes get better within a few days.


The child may have the following:

  • Red or Pink eyes
  • Redness and swelling of the eyelids
  • Extravagant tears
  • Eyelid crusting due to discharge from the eye
  • Photophobia
  • Eyes rubbing or itching on the eye


Tips to soothe pink eyes in children

Following are some tips for children’s pink eyes

  • Cold compress

A cold compress can lower swelling and puffiness of the eyes and face, and a drop in eyes can relieve the eyes from itching.

  • Crust removal

The discharge from the eyes makes a hard crust in the morning and can irritate the eyes even more. Use a warm wet washcloth to easily remove the mucus and crust without causing pain.

  • Medications

Anti-inflammatory medicines can be given to children. You can get over-the-counter medication, or an opthalmologist can help you to deal with your child’s pink eyes by prescribing some medicine.

A drop of artificial tears for lubrication can help prevent conjunctivitis, as dry eyes mostly get pink or red due to itching and rubbing.

Artificial tears produce lubrication and prevent the eyes from getting dry to reduce the pinkness of the eyes.

  • Relaxation

Ensure the baby is relaxed and has no issues, as stress can trigger eye issues such as dry eye or conjunctivitis. Give proper time and care to the children and provide them with a happy environment where they have no or less contact with pollution and free radicals. Peaceful and adequate sleep is also mandatory for the child for an active brain to work correctly and have stress-free eyes.

  • Healthy diet & Hydration

Babies need a proper diet containing all the essential nutrients as they grow. Provide the child with a balanced diet containing all the food groups. To treat conjunctivitis, provide eggs, fish, dark green leafy vegetables, fruit and vegetables that contain carotenoids, vitamin-rich foods, nuts, seeds, and grapefruits to avoid or lower the risk of conjunctivitis. Drinking plenty of water is essential, as dehydration can cause serious health issues.

  • Hygiene

Take good care of your and your kid’s hygiene. The child with conjunctivitis should avoid the usage of other’s towels, pillows, or any personal items. Keep their things separated to prevent the spread of the disease.

  • Eye care

Use fresh damp cotton balls to clean the eyes and do not overuse or reuse the same in both eyes. Make sure the child does not rub their eyes and clean their hands before touching the eyes and do wash your hands after or before cleaning the eyes.



Children get pink eyes due to allergy, viral or bacterial infection and have painful red or pink eyes, puffiness of eyelids, and irritating eyes condition such as crust formation on eyelids, discharge from eyes, rubbing, or itching. One can soothe the eyes using artificial tears, cold compress, drinking plenty of water, using over-the-counter or prescribed medicine, eating a well-balanced diet, maintaining personal hygiene, using damp cotton balls to clean the eye, and not rubbing the eyes. To remove the crust, use warm washcloths, reduce the stressful environment around the children’s surroundings, and let them sleep peacefully.