Leg swelling, also known as leg edema, occurs when a large amount of liquid accumulates in the leg tissues, making it swollen. Common causes of leg swelling in old age include prolonged standing for extended periods, a family history of edema, being inactive, and obesity. However, it may also occur due to serious causes like heart failure, liver damage, and kidney diseases.

Tips for leg swelling in the elderly

The following are some helpful tips for managing leg edema in older adults.

Leg elevation

Raise our legs for 20- 30 minutes 3-4 times daily at the heart level can increase blood flow from the legs back to the heart. It can aid in draining the blood from leg veins, decreasing the chances of leg edema. Moreover, leg-up-the-walls exercises can help reduce leg swellings.

However, we should consult our physician before leg elevation if diagnosed with heart disease.

Compression stockings

Low-pressure compression socks are available at any store and are easy to wear.

These stockings put high pressure on the ankle and lower the pressure to go high

toward the leg.

Say no to salt

Fluid retention may occur due to increased salt intake, particularly in old age. So, we

should reduce our salt intake to prevent leg swellings. That’s why it is recommended

to avoid processed foods in old age.

Comfortable shoes

Avoid wearing tight shoes that put pressure on the feet, making it difficult for the leg

swelling to reduce. So, wearing easy-going, comfortable, or medicated shoes or

slippers is advisable.

Avoid sitting or standing for long periods

Sitting or standing for extended periods can result in leg swelling in older adults. It

occurs because of decreased blood flow to the heart during these positions.

Therefore, we should avoid these positions for prolonged periods. For example, we

should walk some steps every hour while watching TV or on a long flight.

Adopt a Healthy lifestyle

Being overweight is also a risk factor for leg edema in older people. So, we should

eat healthy and fresh foods instead of junk food. Moreover, we should also walk at

least 30 minutes daily or 180 minutes weekly to reduce leg swelling and keep the

body weight in check.

Why is leg swelling more common in old age?

As we age, the valves of veins get debilitated, leading to increased pooling of blood

in the legs. This phenomenon is known as chronic venous insufficiency, a common

cause of leg edema in older adults.

Take home

Leg swelling in older adults is a common condition that may occur due to aging veins,

prolonged standing/sitting, and obesity. Our veins’ valves weaken as we age,

resulting in fluid pooling in the legs. However, certain measures, such as

compression stockings, salt restriction, leg elevation, and a healthy lifestyle, can

prevent and reduce leg edema in old age.