Unified Caring has been reaching out to our local communities to see how to assist those organizations who are striving to accommodate the overflowing demands of people affected by Covid-19.  In doing so, we have come across some unique requests that members may be seeing in their communities as well.

Because so many families no longer have income, they are depending on food banks and food coupons for food. Much of the food being provided is in cans, so there has emerged an urgent need for manual can openers.  UCA immediately provided 150 can openers for distribution at the food banks, with more coming over the next month.

Another critical need that has arisen is for diapers.  They are not available at food banks or eligible for purchase with food coupons.  All sizes are needed.  UCA immediately sourced diapers for county Resource Centers to make them available to those families who needed them.

And speaking of babies, many of us consider our pets to be our ‘babies’, or at least part of our family.  Pet food was another identified urgent need for food bank distribution as stocks had been completely depleted.  We delivered a 600 lb. pallet of both dog and cat food to be distributed to families with pets who need that assistance as well.

While working with the front line community services staff, we identified and helped them to remain protected and safe while being in direct contact with a wide range of people they come in contact with to provide essential assistance.

We are all being called to do extraordinary things for the collective caring of our families and communities in response to the unique coronavirus pandemic. Whether home bound or providing essential services, everyone is stretched to adapt like never before. All of us are in this together. Now more than ever, caring is what we need most. Caring for our self. Caring for others around us.

UCA invites you to join us in creating a caring movement to respond to local needs. Tell us your story of caring action taken. And, let us know what urgent needs are unmet in your community.