Vaginal itching can occur as a symptom of a few diseases. In addition, dryness of the vagina or chemicals in perfumed soaps or bathroom tissues can irritate the vagina. Vaginal itching occurs in older women as they are bounded to bed or unrestrained. Women feel embarrassed in public places or at family gatherings due to continued itching. Also, this may cause infections if not handled correctly; thus, management on time is needed to prevent this.


Women are more likely to have dry vaginas with increasing age, which is a major cause of vaginal itching. Moreover, penetration during intercourse with a dry vagina increases friction, which may irritate the vagina more.

Bacterial vaginosis occurs due to uncontrolled overgrowth of some bacteria, such as “Gardnerella vaginalis,” which causes vaginosis in older females. The other reason may include unprotected sex or having sex with multiple partners.

A few chemicals irritate the vagina when they come in contact and are known as irritants. These may come in contact using perfumed pads, toilet tissues, sprays, or soaps. These can cause itchy vagina.

Skin Conditions
Some skin conditions in older females may cause vaginal itching, such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, hives, or scabies.

Sexually transmitted infections
STIs such as genital herpes, lice on the pubic, or warts on the genital can cause vaginal itching.

Yeast infection
A microorganism, Candida Albicans, grows naturally in the vagina. However, changes in hormones, soaps, or medication may increase its growth, causing yeast infection. Thus, irritation, itching, or burning sensation in the vagina can occur among older women.

Tips for managing vaginal itching

There are many ways to manage vaginal itching in older women.

1. Baking soda
If older women have vaginal itching due to yeast infection, then taking a bath with baking soda can help them to treat the itching. Baking soda can kill the cell of candida, which is the cause of yeast infection.

2. Probiotics
Greek yogurt that promotes healthy bacteria also treats yeast infection in the vagina. Good bacteria kill yeast and make the vagina healthy. Also, use honey with yogurt, as both work to treat itching.
* Put some yogurt on the vagina to alleviate the itching.
* Always use plain Greek yogurt that contains no added sugar or flavors.
Some probiotic supplements to produce good bacteria may be recommended by doctors. These are available in tonic or capsule form.

3. Coconut oil
Put some virgin coconut oil directly on the vagina as it can kill bacteria causing yeast infection to grow in the vagina and cause itching.

4. Antifungal cream
Antifungal creams subdue itching and kill bacteria that cause yeast infections.

5. Foods
A well-balanced diet containing all food groups helps promote health. Introduce your elders to foods that contain probiotics to promote gut and vaginal health, such as:
* Kimchi
* Yogurt
* Kombucha

6. Undergarments
Stop wearing rough or tight clothes; instead, wear breathable clothes and underwear to avoid the damage that causes irritation or itching skin.

7. Hygiene
Make sure that elders take care of their hygiene. Practicing hygiene promotes health and reduces infection, itching, and bacterial overgrowth. Avoid using fragrant soaps or sprays to clean the vagina.

8. Oatmeal bath
Make a fine powder of Avena Sativa containing “Avenanthramides” that have anti-inflammatory effects, and add this to warm water for a bath. This will help in dealing with itching in the vagina.

Vaginal itching occurs in older women who are uncurbed or bound to bed. This happens due to chemical irritants, yeast infections, tight clothing, or STIs. Management can be done by wearing cotton clothes and using aromatic soaps or sprays to clean the vagina. Eating a balanced diet, adding probiotics to daily routine, using oatmeal or baking soda baths, and using antifungal creams, honey, or yogurt on the vagina can help avoid irritation and itching.