When getting infections in the parts of the body involved in respiration, such as the airways, nose, lungs, sinuses, and throat, are called an airways infection. Among elders, it is expected due to weak immunity.

Old-age people can quickly get infections due to immunodegeneration or fragility. Respiratory infections lead to high rate of hospitalization and mortality in old age people than in younger adults.

The other risk factors may also include:

* COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Includes many diseases such as; Emphysema, and chronic bronchitis, which may cause the narrowing of airways or infections and make the elderly prone to airways infection.

* Malnutrition
Inadequate dietary intake of essential micronutrients and macronutrients can also cause disease, as deficiency of probiotics and prebiotics may impart their role in making the immune system weak.

* Recurrent Aspiration
Inhaling food particles and liquids into the airways instead of taking food down the esophagus into the stomach.

* Underlying factors
Most of the elders have diabetes, lung or heart disease, or organ dysfunction that debilitates the immune system and affects the respiratory system and causes airway infection.

Following are the symptoms elder may face
* Sneezing
* Coughing
* Mucus or phlegm
* Sore throat
* Wheezing
* Nasal obstruction

Tips to prevent airways infections

* Avoid smoking
Smoking is a primary culprit of airway infections. It weakens the immune system. Prevent exposure to second-hand smoking or direct smoke.

* Avoid Air pollutants
Ozone, particular matter, and nitrogen oxides are harmful air pollutants for the lungs in an outdoor environment. Wear a mask when going outside. Avoid burning wood, plastic, or trash near residential areas. Stay away from places where there is no chance of having such pollutants. Do not walk or exercise near high-traffic parks.

* Improve indoor air quality
Clean your houses daily and correctly, especially if any elder in the home has asthma or lung issues. Make their ambiance clean for them.

* Exercise
Exercise keeps the lungs healthy and improves body function. So even in old age, physical activity is vital.

* Learn the respiratory etiquette
Make them learn that whenever you sneeze or cough, cover their mouth or nose with your elbow or tissues instead of using your hand.

* Educate them on hand hygiene
Make them learn and practice hygiene in their daily routine. For example, educate them to wash their hands properly with soaps or use sanitizers if there is no soap.

* Prevent close contact with sick people
If anyone is sick or has any illness, try to avoid close contact with them, or if you have so, make sure you do not come in contact with others.

* Vaccination
Ensure your elder gets vaccinated for respiratory illnesses such as influenza or pneumonia on time.

* Eat a Balance diet
A diet that contains all food groups and nutrients is a must for a healthy body and organs, especially for the lungs, and chewing correctly is required to avoid the airways getting in contact with any food particles. Avoid fried, sugary, and salty foods.

* Drink plenty of water
Hydration is required for healthy and fit lungs to prevent airway infection and underlying health issues.

Respiratory infections occur more in old age due to weak immunity, poor dietary & lifestyle habits, poor hygiene practice, underlying health issues, and organ dysfunctions. As a result, elders suffer painful breathing, runny nose, sore throat, and chest infections; sometimes, death may occur if they get severe. This can be preventable by better hygiene practices, a balanced diet, avoiding smoking, and proper vaccination is required. Along with all these, try to reduce contact with sick people.