Every person has a different aging experience and depends upon surroundings and physical and mental health. In every type of community, there is a different perception of aging. Mass media and cultural beliefs significantly affect how society perceives other things. This article discusses stereotypes and artistic perspectives related to aging.

1. Depression and loneliness are usual in older adults

As we grow old, we may develop depression and anxiety, but it depends upon the emotional well-being of the elderly. Of course, not every elderly will develop such feelings. However, incorporating such beliefs will tend to integrate depression in the elderly if they do not manage to.

2. The older I get, the less sleep I need.

As we age, our sleep routine naturally gets disturbed as sleep declines with time. People commonly perceive that older adults need more sleeping time during the day as they sleep less at night; however, it is not valid. Older adults also need 7-8 hours of sleep, like all other adults.

3. Adults cannot learn new things

People mainly believe that adults are not able to learn new things. Once our habits become permanent, they cannot be changed. It is not valid and is just a forcibly made mindset. This negative perception of people hinders learning new changes that come with time.

4. The elderly will get dementia no matter what

Dementia is a mental illness that makes people forget about things that are happening currently or happened in the past. Only a few memories stay in mind. Dementia commonly occurs in older age, commonly associated with older age. People believe dementia is a disease of old age; however, it is not valid. It can occur in any age group if you are its potential carrier. That’s why we should consult a doctor for old-age forgetfulness before considering it dementia.

5. The elderly should avoid exercise

If we are physically able to do exercise, we shouldn’t be stopped from doing exercise. Exercise will help us to keep ourselves fit and strong. It will also reduce depressive thoughts.

6. Only older adults need to worry about osteoporosis

Severe osteoporosis is commonly found in women and is stigmatized by women. However, this disease can also occur in older men. In men, osteoporosis is not as aggressive as in women because men have more bone density than women. Based on this, we cannot conclude that men cannot have osteoporosis; it would be a big lie.

Take away home
Every community has its own myths about the elderly and growing old. However, most myths are commonly believed, although not true; for instance, there’s an increased need for sleep in old age, exercise is dangerous for older adults, and we’ll all get dementia as we grow old. This article unfolded these myths and encouraged healthy aging instead of abstaining from exercise and learning.