Aging is inevitable. And it can be wonderful. To be alive, have the chance to see more, do more, and know ourselves better. Even still, we fear it. We’re scared of losing our physical abilities, our independence, and our lives. But getting older doesn’t have to be a difficult, doom-and-gloom situation. Rapid technological advancements like artificial intelligence can help us live longer, healthier, more fulfilling lives. Let’s explore some helpful AI tools that are changing the aging landscape.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic right now, and many people feel wary of it (and that’s okay). But what is AI? Simply put, AI is the ability of machines and software to do tasks commonly associated with human intelligence. This includes reasoning, learning, planning, and problem-solving. To do this, AI needs humans to provide tons of data and real-world examples for it to learn from. Chances are, most of us use AI daily, e.g., voice-to-text, autocorrect, and GPS.

But AI has its limitations. It doesn’t understand emotions, have individual thoughts or feelings, or understand social context. Unlike us, it doesn’t have free will, can’t create things independently, and doesn’t have an innate sense of empathy. For those of us who worry that AI will develop a mind of its own and take over, there’s nothing to worry about. Currently, self-aware AI only exists in science fiction. We don’t understand the human brain or how it works well enough to translate it into data for AI, and likely won’t for a long time (if ever).

Now that we understand what AI is, let’s look at how we can use it to our advantage as we age.

Health monitoring

Medication reminders: AI-based apps can keep track of our medication schedules and send helpful reminders when it’s time for our next dose.

Virtual check-ups: Attending doctor’s appointments from home makes care more accessible.

Health tracking devices: Wearable gadgets can monitor our vitals, like heart rate and oxygen levels. We can share this data with our healthcare provider, either through built-in features or separately (depending on the device).

Personalized fitness plans: AI can design exercise routines tailored to our needs, ensuring a safe, active lifestyle.

Early warning systems: These devices analyze our health trends and detect any unusual patterns, like irregular heartbeat, helping us address issues sooner.

Home automation

Appliance control: Voice-activated smart home devices can adjust the thermostat, control the lights and blinds, turn on lawn irrigation systems, control digital locks, etc. They can also be controlled from our phones.

Fall detection:  AI wearables can detect falls, and send alerts to our loved ones and emergency services.

Security: AI security cameras use facial recognition technology. This is helpful in case of break-ins, so the perpetrator can be identified.

Digital companions

Socialization: AI companions can be used to supplement social contact. While they have limitations and won’t have the nuance of a person, we can chat about our interests, tell jokes, get current news, etc.

Memory assistance: AI companions can remind us about important dates, events, and shopping lists.

Key takeaways


  • Makes managing health more convenient and accessible
  • Allows for safer, more independent living
  • Reduces feelings of loneliness and provides opportunities for social engagement
