Unified Caring Association was founded in 1987 as a non-profit organization.  In 2012, the name was changed to Unified Caring Association because we, as a team observed that caring is what the world is void of and therefore needed the most.

To date, UCA has over 170,000 members, who we truly consider our family we care about.  Our desire is to supply them with everything affordable, yet appropriate and meaningful. We want each person to experience a sense of caring.

Our mandate is to help members with all their health issues.  In alignment with this goal, we constantly share information that will bring hope and wellness into their everyday lives.

We put tremendous effort into finding materials, benefits and products that can assist the members easily and effortlessly.  We also work to stay in touch with each member, so that we can provide things or assistance that we would not have thought of.  Our focus is to not overlook anyone, even with the smallest issue.

Hope walks hand in hand with health, as health walks hand in hand with hope.  Therefore, our mission is to plant seeds of hopefulness wherever we can, with whatever we can, to whomever we can.

As we benefit our members, we are also dedicated to assist in the caring of those who cannot speak for themselves, such as children, animals and very often the elderly.  We call this our ACE Program.

Our purpose is to never stop caring, whether that be for a member or a soul that is in need.  We believe we are the difference that makes a difference.