When you’re a new mom, your focus is naturally on your baby. You want to make sure their every want and need is met. However, this can leave you neglecting your own self-care. It’s important to set aside time for yourself in these early days of motherhood. This is especially true if you’re breastfeeding, which puts additional stress on your body. Stay well with these practical self-care tips for breastfeeding moms.

Set up your breastfeeding space with all the essentials

You want to be comfortable when you’re breastfeeding since the process can take time. Set aside a quiet corner in your home that’s devoted to this task. Equip it with essentials like a comfy chair, pillows, and throw blankets. Also make sure that you’ve got items like diapers, wet wipes, and paper towels readily available. You can get all these goods easily at once on Amazon—and even get some cute and comfy nursing clothes while you’re at it.

Prioritize your comfort with cozy breastfeeding bras

The right breastfeeding outfit can make the process that much more enjoyable. Stylish nursing bras are one priority. You don’t have to sacrifice fashion for comfort. There are plenty of cute options available featuring breathable fabrics and ample support. Get more than one bra and invest in an array of colors, so you don’t have to constantly do laundry.

Nurture your body with delicious and nutritious food

New moms who are breastfeeding burn more calories. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that breastfeeding moms consume at least 400 extra calories every day. Make sure to eat a balanced diet of whole grains, lean proteins, and fresh fruit and vegetables. If time is an issue, consider a healthy meal-kit delivery service. Alternatively, you can batch-cook large amounts of food and then reheat it.

Find some time to move every day

Exercise is just as important as a healthy diet when it comes to maintaining your physical and mental health. Make some time to get moving every day. Breastfeeding moms may benefit from DIY at-home workouts, like yoga. Aaptiv recommends other activities for breastfeeding moms including water aerobics and circuit training.

Schedule a daily mental health check-in with yourself

Mental health is a major concern for new moms, who are dealing with a lot of hormonal changes. As part of your self-care plan, schedule a mental health check-in with yourself every day. It’s also important to recognize the signs of mental health issues, such as postpartum depression. Symptoms include feelings of sadness, irritability, and trouble concentrating. If you’re struggling, talk to a doctor.

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep

Sleep is essential for mental well-being. However, when you have a new baby to care for, getting the Z’s you need can be a challenge. Hopkins Medicine has pointers for new parents on how to get enough sleep. One of the biggest tips they recommend is sleeping whenever your baby is sleeping. You can squeeze in two to four hours at a time this way. Additionally, if you have a partner, make sure to split baby nighttime duties.

Ask for help

You don’t have to do it all yourself. Make sure you’re consulting your network of friends and family for assistance when you’re feeling overwhelmed as a new mom. For emotional support, online forums are also helpful. You can talk to other new moms who are going through exactly the same things as you, such as breastfeeding hurdles.

Being a new mom is full of joyous moments, but it can also be hard. Follow the tips above to make sure you’re getting the care you need to stay well. This will benefit you and your baby.

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