UCA Blog Talk Radio

podcast Hello to our caring community! We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) are sharing our excitement for our newest way to have caring connections and share caring resources. We are launching a caring podcast on BlogTalkRadio.com! A Podcast for Sharing Caring Each episode will be talking with caring ambassadors about how more kindness can be [...]


Caring Communities to Help Stop Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying In most communities there are times when we are faced with challenges, negativity or bullying. The internet has not been spared from this, especially on social media platforms. This newest form of internet harassment is often referred to as cyberbullying. We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) want to help source tools and share resources [...]


Volunteering for Health

volunteering Have you ever felt so good after helping someone else? If so you are not alone! There are so many ways to volunteer your time and skills to help others while giving yourself the gift of self-care. Unified Caring Association (UCA) gives more than three cheers for volunteers.  Volunteering does more than we often [...]


The privilege of a lifetime is being authentic.

Being Authentic. Living in full self-expression helps you to tune in to your inner guidance system and live an inspired life that only YOU can live. Dare to be yourself, no matter how different it makes you feel from the rest of the crowd. Authenticity affords you the privilege of becoming who you were truly [...]


UCA Puts Kids in Caring Car Seats

When the team at UCA noticed that the Central Coast Kinship Center Foster and Adoptive Placement Program had a need on its wish list. This was the very basic safety item of car seats. We knew we had to help. After meeting, we decided to purchase all of the car seats they requested. Special care [...]



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