Youth is a Gift of Nature, But Age is a Work of Art

It’s interesting to think of the time and effort we put behind cherishing and preserving and restoring (and appreciating!) artwork in museums and private collections.  Meanwhile, our precious elderly are suffering from isolation, loneliness and neglect.  And their value to us is priceless. Certainly, the pandemic has made a bad situation worse for seniors.  The [...]


Sharing Caring

Scholarships are treasures for students who seek to expand their education. The trick is finding the scholarships that celebrate our unique talents. One place that has unique scholarships is Unified Caring Association’s website. UCA has designed their scholarship program to reward and celebrate kind, caring hearts. The program acknowledges and promotes students’ acts of kindness while encouraging [...]


Scholarship Themes : Equality

Unified Caring Association (UCA) offers scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Each scholarship essay submission that comes to us during our contests fills us with joy. There are so many caring students who share their ideas for a better world. Or how they have helped others in the past, even sharing their life stories. These stories [...]


Fall 2019 Scholarship is Open!

Unified Caring Association (UCA) upholds the philosophy that education is one of the important ways to help bring more caring into the world. To see this happen we hold scholarship contests throughout the year. We are excited to say that we have one currently open and have so much excitement as the essay applications are [...]


Giving Helps Promote Happiness

So much of today’s conversations are around the pursuit of happiness. It seems to be intangible but important to most of us. If we take a step back and ask ourselves one root question we can begin a journey filled with happiness. What is one thing we can do to increase our happiness that also [...]


Volunteering for Health

volunteering Have you ever felt so good after helping someone else? If so you are not alone! There are so many ways to volunteer your time and skills to help others while giving yourself the gift of self-care. Unified Caring Association (UCA) gives more than three cheers for volunteers.  Volunteering does more than we often [...]



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