How To Be Emotionally Vulnerable

Many of us grew up being told that showing our true emotions is a sign of weakness. Maybe we saw this modeled by caregivers and portrayed by macho heroes in movies. We may avoid expressing our emotions because it feels uncomfortable or scary. We may believe that handling hard situations alone makes us brave. Or [...]


Giving Helps Promote Happiness

So much of today’s conversations are around the pursuit of happiness. It seems to be intangible but important to most of us. If we take a step back and ask ourselves one root question we can begin a journey filled with happiness. What is one thing we can do to increase our happiness that also [...]



kindness challenge Just like acts of gratitude, kindness can go far. We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) are so excited to share that DoTerra has organizing worldwide 15 Day Kindness Challenge. We love a good challenge! This is similar to our Caring Challenge where each day there are suggestions for the day to promote caring [...]


Being in Service

lunches Unified Caring Association (UCA) strives to continue promoting caring around the world. But how can someone start performing caring acts? One of the best ways is to start close to home. Help out at a local food bank or shelter or donate clothing or personal care items to those in need. UCA did just [...]


Volunteering for Health

volunteering Have you ever felt so good after helping someone else? If so you are not alone! There are so many ways to volunteer your time and skills to help others while giving yourself the gift of self-care. Unified Caring Association (UCA) gives more than three cheers for volunteers.  Volunteering does more than we often [...]


Scholarship Award Winners Target Use of Social Media

Spreading positivity through caring essays. Unified Caring Association (UCA) loves helping people of all ages. We see this each year Unified Caring Association holds scholarship contests to help college bound students. This year for one of the scholarships we asked high school juniors and seniors to write short essays responding to the question, “If you [...]



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