Thanksgiving is a harvest festival and a time to thank those who made efforts for us; a time to celebrate with family and enjoy the bonding and joy of togetherness over a table with various foods. This is the best way to teach children the importance of family togetherness, values, cultures, and respect for elders. On this occasion, the elders make children learn about the importance of life and how to live it. Also, elders share their life experiences so the kids may learn something good for a better future.

Tips to incorporate Thanksgiving spirit

Following are some tips for incorporating the spirit of Thanksgiving in children;

  • Cooking together

Cooking is an exciting activity that provokes kids’ sensory and motor nerves and makes them more active when cutting, stirring, or chopping food items. It enhances their hand-eye contact, boosts their confidence, teaches them about cultures, develops their creative mind, and improves their eating habits.

  • Gratitude

Make children learn about gratitude, a quality of being thankful to those who do much for their betterment. Gratefulness can be shown by doing some arts or crafting, such as handmade thank you cards or gifts at home for elders, such as photo collages and lively posters using paints and colors to enhance their spirit on Thanksgiving occasions. Practice gratitude as children learn more by observing.

  • Dinner time play

Introducing different activities, such as sharing the event’s history, telling the rituals and values of Thanksgiving, and playing some games that make everyone laugh, can induce the spirit of Thanksgiving in kids. Elders should share stories and invite relatives and neighbors to diners to teach children kindness. Make them understand the etiquette of eating and speaking by showing them nicely at the table. Saying thank you after serving each other can be impactful.

  • Outing

Going out on such occasions also increases the spirit of kids to celebrate Thanksgiving and get excited about it. Get some fresh air, go to lovely places and play together outside, or do activities such as hiking or playing football with children. Thus, the spirit of unity and sportsmanship can be learned.

  • Household chores

 Involving children in doing household chores on Thanksgiving as a part of the fun activity can excite them, as playing in the leaf makes them highly spirited about the event; developing the habit of cleaning and doing it together build strong relationship and aid in creating memories. Other things can be done, such as bone fire, and gardening, such as planting seeds together, can be an exciting and encouraging activity for children, and this way, children can eat healthy foods they grew.


Thanksgiving is a holiday to celebrate with family, friends, and children. This can be the best time to celebrate together and be thankful for the blessings. Parents and elders can teach children about gratitude, kindness, and etiquette. Also, children can be made confident and more socialized by involving them in the kitchen to create unique dishes for Thanksgiving, playing outdoor games together, doing household chores, developing the habit of cleaning, and enabling them to eat healthy foods they grew. Thanksgiving also shows children’s artistic nature by crafting or painting to make gifts and thank you cards. All these are highly involved in incorporating the thanksgiving spirit in children.