Thanksgiving is a holiday for meeting friends and family and teaching kids the value of togetherness. During the Thanksgiving holidays, kids participate in recreational activities, spend time with loved ones, enjoy delicious food plates, and have a particular time to express gratitude.

The concept is based on paying thanks for the blessing of one’s life. Holidays are the best time, but a poor diet can worsen. People gain a lot of weight during such days, and kids get habitual at eating unhealthily. The best way to make your kids stay fit is by giving them the food they enjoy but making a few food swaps in their favorite foods. This way, one can enjoy the meal and holiday without worrying about your kid’s health. It also makes the kids eat nutritious foods to promote health.

Healthy food alternatives

Here are five healthiest food alternatives for kids:

  • Greek Yogurt dips

Instead of giving kids sour cream dips full of fats as a starter and making their tummy full before the actual course, introduce them to Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is a source of protein that builds and repairs tissues and contains calcium, which makes bones strong and healthy. Greek yogurt dips are enriched with nutrients and promote bone health, build muscle mass, and reduce the risk of hypertension and type-2 diabetes. Also, it contains the B12 vitamin that keeps the body’s nerves and blood cells healthy.

  • Homemade Stuffing

Stuffing is something that makes kids excited, and it provides carbohydrates, which are the source of energy. Homemade stuffing is a healthy choice for kids. At home, we can make the stuffing by substituting white bread with whole grain bread, moistened with chicken broth made from less sodium or without sodium, sauteed vegetables of choice, and then the kids’ favorite herbs can be added. This homemade stuffing is more fibrous, has less fat, and has a pleasing flavor.

  • Pumpkin Pie

Pie is an essential dish of the Thanksgiving meal; instead of providing pecan pie, which contains 500 calories per slice, to kids, give them pumpkin pie, which has 300 calories per slice. Also, it provides 7% of iron and calcium and 9% of the daily phosphorus recommendation. These minerals benefit teeth, bones, and metabolic health and promote neurological and cellular health. Pumpkin pie also contains sodium, saturated fats, and cholesterol, so try to make mini pumpkin pies and reduce their portion size.

  • Sweet Potatoes

Swap Candied yams with sweet potatoes as they have fewer calories and are easy to make by simply sauteing on stoves or roasting in the oven. Sweet potatoes contain vitamins such as beta carotene, which converts into A, which babies need for healthy eyesight, immune system, and skin. It also contains vitamins C, b6, and manganese. This helps promote healthy Vision, lift kids’ mood, boost the immune system, avoid cancer risk, improve brain functions, and manage diabetes.

  • Fresh Vegetables

Casseroles are a rich sodium and fat source that is bad for kids’ health. Make the kid habitually eat fresh vegetables, which can be done by involving them in the kitchen during cooking. Sauteed or steamed vegetables should be a part of the Thanksgiving meals to promote a healthy diet. Start the meal by eating vegetables so there is less room for calorie-rich foods. Vegetables provide energy, nutrients, water, antioxidants, and fiber, which kids need. Veggies promote health later in life by preventing cancer, strokes, and heart diseases.


Thanksgiving holiday is a Special time for kids to celebrate and show gratitude by sharing meals on the table with friends and families. The foods served on the table must be healthy and promote health, not calories. Make the kids eat fresh vegetables, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, Greek yogurt dips, and homemade stuffing to boost their immunity, prevent cancer and diabetes, and strengthen their bones. Make Thanksgiving an event of a health-giving holiday.