Weaning is the process in which babies are introduced to solid food along with breastfeeding. The appropriate time to initiate weaning is considered when the baby turns six months old.

This article lists the five best and worst foods for weaning.

Five best foods to initiate weaning

  1. Fruits

Fruits are best to start the weaning process as they are full of essential nutrients, and the texture can easily change into a puree. Moreover, natural sugars make them palatable,

which will help in easy weaning.

Fruits like apples, mangoes, and bananas are the best fruits for weaning among fruits because they are accessible to peel and mash.

  1. Vegetables

Mashed potatoes and boiled carrots are best to introduce during the weaning process. Especially when you are trying to wean the baby off breast milk (as they provide good satiety to the child). Make sure the vegetables you are using are washed well and are organic.

  1. Soups

Clear vegetable soups are considered the best whole meal for babies as they are rich in both macronutrients and micronutrients. Moreover, these also provide hydration to the babies.

  1. Broths

Broths are clear water in which meat, whether chicken, mutton, or beef, is boiled. They are also a good source and wholesome meal for babies as broths provide essential fatty acids and nutrients.

  1. Legumes

Legumes are yet another best option for weaning. They are full of proteins, which are very important for a child’s physical growth. Half a cup of mashed legume is the best option for babies.


Five worst foods to start weaning

  1. Excess salt

Excess salt in the diet affects the kidneys as babies are more sensitive, so while making food for the baby, do not add salt or add a small amount.

  1. Sugary foods

Babies may prefer sweet foods to savory food, but sugar can lead to dental problems, caries, and obesity. Especially artificial sugar and sweeteners are bad for babies, present in juices and carbonated beverages.

  1. Honey

Honey contains a bacteria which may cause infant botulism in infants. It is a severe illness. Therefore, one can give honey to your child once he grows up to one year old.

  1. Nuts

Nuts are not bad; it is just that they can be given when your child turns a little older than six months. Moreover, some babies may have an allergic reaction to nuts, so they need to be introduced very steadily. Whole nuts can also choke your child, so they must not be given before the child turns 5.

  1. Seafood

Seafood contains many toxins like mercury. It is also important to note that some sea foods are high in saturated fats, which are bad for the baby’s health, as babies have not properly developed digestive systems.


Take Away home

The weaning stage is crucial for a child, as he develops his taste towards different foods in this stage. Moreover, primary nutritional deficiencies can be covered quickly in this stage, as the child has no metabolic disease and can absorb nutrients effectively. Therefore, it is imperative to consider introducing the best foods to a child in the weaning stage.