The eyes are the primary and sensitive organ of the human body. Children’s eyesight and visual development go through many ups and downs as they grow from infant to toddler. Unfortunately, due to environmental changes, unhygienic conditions, and increased pollution, eyes are becoming vulnerable to infections and diseases.

Therefore, pediatricians and parents must observe those changes to detect problems at the earliest. This article shares some tips on how parents can remain proactive during the visional development of their child.

Boost visual engagement

Visual engagement in a positive way can enhance their visional development. Games like peekaboo can help in developing hand-eye coordination in infants.

Limit the use of digital screens

In today’s era, digital learning and digital entertainment have become more common. These are now part of the lives of modern people and cannot be banned or kept away from children. The best way is to educate the children to use the gadgets at a distance of 18 to 24 inches. In addition, encourage them to follow the 20-20 rule, which is looking up from the screen after every 20 minutes because studies have shown that blue light from the screen is not dangerous for the eyes; however, constant screen use can irritate eyes and cause eyestrain.

Consider your family history

Eye disorders such as short-sightedness or long-sightedness may run in your family, so staying mindful can help you detect the issue on time and save the kid from future hurdles.

Provide UV protection

Lacrimal glands are responsible for producing tears, maintaining protective water in the eyes, and preventing them from drying. Factors like external radiation may cause lacrimal gland dysfunction, whereas recent studies have proved that protection is crucial to avoid pediatric eye injuries. Encourage your children to wear glasses to prevent injuries during outdoor activities.

Attend regular eye checkups

If a parent or pediatrician suspects that child has any issues, one should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Moreover, complete and comprehensive eye checkups with an ophthalmologist once a year can save your kid from many eye problems.

Diet and eye health

Research has shown that diet has a strong relation with eye health. Diets with lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc reduce the risk of many eye diseases. All these nutrients can be found in fruits, green leafy vegetables, fish, and eggs. There is also important to note that a healthy diet is also linked with lowering the risk of obesity and hypertension, which is associated with other eye diseases.

Watch out for warning signs

Some of the warning signs one can observe while seeing a child struggling are

  1. Disinterest in distant objects
  2. Squinting
  3. Head tilting
  4. Holding objects very close to eyes
  5. Eye rubbing
  6. Sensitivity to light
  7. Poor hand-eye coordination
  8. Disinterest in reading or viewing distant objects
  9. Family history


As infants and children cannot understand eye health issues, parents must be more proactive and educated about eye health issues and detect their warning signs. In addition, diet and eye health are also strongly correlated with each other. Regular checkups with an ophthalmologist are vital to prevent eye health deterioration.