A recent study by Oracle found that, of people surveyed, 46% felt a loss of control in their personal lives, and 76% felt trapped. While data shows this to be an overwhelmingly relatable experience, it doesn’t make the feelings any less distressing. Today, we’ll explore positive self-talk statements to cope with feeling stuck and uncertain.

  1. “I’m resilient: I’ve overcome many challenges before, and I can do it again.” We’re capable of handling, and learning from, difficulty.
  2. “I’m not my thoughts. I can reshape them to empower myself.” We have the ability to recognize and change unhelpful thought patterns.
  3. “Obstacles are opportunities for growth. I welcome them, even when I’m afraid.” Challenges can be a chance to learn things about ourselves, and build resilience.
  4. “I don’t need to be perfect, I’m a work in progress.” Focusing on continuous improvement and appreciation for ourselves is better than striving for a perfection that doesn’t exist.
  5. “I am deserving of success, and I believe in my abilities.” It’s important to remember our self-worth and trust our abilities.
  6. “Setbacks are just a stepping stone for a comeback.” Obstacles are an integral part of any attempt to reach our goals. We only fail if we stop trying.
  7. “I choose self-compassion over self-criticism; I struggle and make mistakes, and that’s okay.”
  8. “Other people don’t determine my worth, I do.” Find intrinsic value and validation rather than seeking it from others.
  9. “I’m allowed to ask for help. It’s a sign of courage, not weakness.” When we feel like giving up, one of the wisest things we can do is seek support.
  10. “I celebrate my victories, no matter how small. Acknowledging progress boosts our self-confidence and keeps morale high.”
  11. “I will not compare myself to others. I respect my personal process. Avoiding comparisons to others allows us to embrace our unique experience.
  12. “I choose gratitude.” When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we become more present and optimistic.
  13. “I’m worthy of self-love, and I’ll be kind to myself.” Doing the opposite only makes us feel insecure and unworthy.
  14. “I’m not limited by my circumstances; I create my own opportunities.”
  15. “I trust my instincts and listen to my inner voice.” Our intuition is a useful tool that provides guidance and comfort.
  16. “I release the need for approval; I’m confident in my choices.” Although wanting validation from others is normal, a strong sense of self-assuredness will allow us to operate as competent, independent people.
  17. “I’m a continuous learner, and each experience contributes to my growth” Approaching life with this mindset lets us take lessons from every experience.
  18. “I choose to let go of guilt; it hinders my progress and serves no purpose.” This refers to the unwarranted guilt we may feel about ourselves, unrelated to legitimate wrongdoing. Releasing these feelings lets us focus on moving forward.
  19. “I’m the author of my story, and I choose to write a positive one.” We can control the narrative of our life, and create one that empowers us.
  20. “I’m not defined by my past mistakes, I learn and grow from them.” Dwelling on past mistakes only holds us back. Using them as opportunities to make better plans for the future is beneficial.
  21. “I’m capable of solving problems.” Hurdles provide opportunities to brainstorm creative solutions.
  22. “I’m not alone in my struggles; many people have faced and overcome similar challenges.” We can draw strength from the collective human experience.
  23. “I release the need for control; surrendering to the potential of new possibilities.” We can’t control everything that happens to us, only how we respond.
  24. “I choose self-empowerment over victimhood.” Believing that we’re incapable when we’re not only leads to more feelings of helplessness and feeling stuck.
  25. “I’m a work in progress, and I embrace the process of self-improvement, even when it’s tough.”

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