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Where Do I Start?

Moving Caring Forward begins with following your passion in the areas you care about most. UCA’s experience, contacts, resources, and local Members are here to help. Explore below!


We need caring for ourselves. In fact, it is through taking care of self that we can better serve and take care of others.

Friends and Family

We feel happier and healthier when we are connected to the friends and family in our lives. Surround them with care, love and support… the UCA way.

My Community

Custodians of the Caring Movement embrace compassionate solutions for their Community by listening and taking the responsibility to spread caring where it is needed most.

C.A.R.E. Projects

From innocent children and animals, to the rainforests and the mighty oceans, and to our elderly to honor, we all share a responsibility for moving caring forward. Serving others, and the globe, gives self-care meaning.

We fully support our Caring Community through the time-honored Tradition of Storytelling. Shared experiences exemplify the power of resilience, creative coping, and the humor found in silver linings. UCA truly believes that “Sharing Is Caring.”

Want to Learn More?

To learn more about the inspirational ideas, tools, resources, and content that put caring into action, sign-up today and give to yourself… so you can better give to others.

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UCA is devoted to assisting Members with what we all need to live more caring lives. Lean in and stand up for heartfelt caring – for yourself – and for your Community – by becoming a Member today.

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