Virtual Volunteering Just Got Easier

Unified Caring Association (UCA) now includes a virtually volunteering global network for all members. Virtual volunteering via Impact Connect makes it safe and easy to connect with people and communities who have plans or dreams to be realized. We Can All Help Each Other So Easily This extensive and growing volunteer network, called Impact Connect, [...]


Youth is a Gift of Nature, But Age is a Work of Art

It’s interesting to think of the time and effort we put behind cherishing and preserving and restoring (and appreciating!) artwork in museums and private collections.  Meanwhile, our precious elderly are suffering from isolation, loneliness and neglect.  And their value to us is priceless. Certainly, the pandemic has made a bad situation worse for seniors.  The [...]


How to Breathe Life into Someone Over the Holidays

Imagine being isolated and feeling a great sense of abandonment from loved ones. Imagine the despair and helplessness we’d feel. While this is simply a visualization, it’s also the reality for many of our elderly during this pandemic in nursing homes. The same is true for US Veterans in VA Hospitals. Mrs. Rona has made [...]


UCA Sponsors Love for Our Elders

As lockdowns became a global reality during the pandemic, seniors became more secluded and disconnected in larger numbers. In normal times, isolation was already a serious challenge for the elderly among our seniors. Whether homebound or in a care facility, the need for love and care outreach increased exponentially. Our sponsored non-profit organization, Love for [...]


Giving Helps Promote Happiness

So much of today’s conversations are around the pursuit of happiness. It seems to be intangible but important to most of us. If we take a step back and ask ourselves one root question we can begin a journey filled with happiness. What is one thing we can do to increase our happiness that also [...]


Volunteering for Health

volunteering Have you ever felt so good after helping someone else? If so you are not alone! There are so many ways to volunteer your time and skills to help others while giving yourself the gift of self-care. Unified Caring Association (UCA) gives more than three cheers for volunteers.  Volunteering does more than we often [...]


We C.A.R.E.

UCA Provides Inspiration to Homeless and Trafficked Youth WE C.A.R.E. The C in our C.A.R.E. program stands for children. So when we learned about the caring work Covenant House does to support homeless and trafficked youth, we knew we needed to offer our support. Our first project with Covenant House was to provide a scholarship [...]


High School Seniors Shovel Neighbor’s Driveway

High School Seniors Wake Up at 4am So They Can Shovel Neighbor’s Driveway Before Her Dialysis Rather than sleeping in on a snow day, a group of high school students got together at 4:30 AM so they could make sure that an elderly woman could get to her dialysis appointment. Brian and Patrick Lanigan are [...]


Unified Caring at Empower 18!

Unified Caring at Empower 18 WOW! Unified Caring at Empower 18! So great! Good morning from the #Empower18 @ASCDconf in Boston! We are so excited to be here - we LOVE caring educators! Also, our beautiful new friend Valerie just came by to model her purchase from our store! What a great smile! We've got [...]



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