How to Teach Your Children About Volunteering

We all want to think our children will grow up to care about the world around them. There’s no better way to ensure that than to teach them how to do so. Children are naturally compassionate and caring. By fostering these traits, you can help them develop a passion for helping others. Here are a [...]


HeartMath Keen on Teens

There are so many challenges in the world, especially for children and teenagers facing new challenges today. Unified Caring Association (UCA) has many caring tools and resources to help parents and teens during these tough times. We recently got a note from our friends at HeartMath that there is an upcoming online event to help [...]


Sharing Caring

Scholarships are treasures for students who seek to expand their education. The trick is finding the scholarships that celebrate our unique talents. One place that has unique scholarships is Unified Caring Association’s website. UCA has designed their scholarship program to reward and celebrate kind, caring hearts. The program acknowledges and promotes students’ acts of kindness while encouraging [...]


Heart Smart

With the beginning of the 2020 new year, we often have resolutions for more self-care to help improve our health. We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) love sharing tools and caring resources to help members build healthy lifestyles for their bodies and minds. One of our favorite organizations that can help with this is HeartMath^™. [...]


Mid-Life Adventures

First we see the world; then we crawl to explore; next we walk to share how much we care; then we run, experiencing all we can. But what happens after we run? Mid-life brings up a slew of new questions. We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) celebrate each stage of life, the adventure that can [...]


Caring Communities to Help Stop Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying In most communities there are times when we are faced with challenges, negativity or bullying. The internet has not been spared from this, especially on social media platforms. This newest form of internet harassment is often referred to as cyberbullying. We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) want to help source tools and share resources [...]


Caring For Your Children

Caring For Your Children -Lavanda Michelle When it comes to caring for your children, it might feel like a pretty obvious and simple topic of conversation, yet it can be helpful to consider the following points in terms of optimizing your ability to take care of your children and for them to develop into healthy, [...]



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